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Nazi Germany 1
2024-02-22 16:47

Forest as Volk, Ewiger Wald and the Religion of Nature in the Third Reich.pdf

Nazi Euthanasia of the Mentally Ill at Hadamar.pdf

Against Bolshevism; Georg Werthmann and the Role of Ideology in the Catholic Military Chaplaincy, 1939-1945.pdf

^Was Hitler a Riddle.pdf

A Propagandist of Extermination, Johann von Leers and the Anti-Semitic Formation of Children in Nazi Germany.pdf

Against the Mainstream, Nazi Privatization in 1930s Germany.pdf

Nazi Influence on German Youth Hostels.pdf

^^The Argument for Genocide in Nazi Propaganda.pdf

‘Jammin’ with Karlik’; The German-Polish ‘Radio War’ and the Gleiwitz ‘Provocation’, 1925–1939.pdf

^The Jewish War, Goebbels and the Antisemitic Campaigns of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry.pdf

A Family Vacation for Workers; The Strength Through Joy Resort at Prora.pdf

England's Place in Hitler's Plans for World Dominion.pdf

Adolf Hitler vs. Henry Ford; The Volkswagen, the Role of America as a Model, and the Failure of a Nazi Consumer Society.pdf

From Small Beginnings; The Euthanasia of Children with Disabilities in Nazi Germany.pdf

German Professoriate under Nazism; A Failure of Totalitarian Aspirations.pdf

The Massacre of Mental Patients in Ukraine, 1941-1943.pdf

Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto (no linked contents).mobi

'Freies Deutschland' Guerrilla Warfare in East Prussia, 1944-1945; A Contribution to the History of the German Resistance.pdf

^Studying the Jew, Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany.pdf

Nazi Persuasion And the Crowd Mentality.pdf

Mozart and the Nazis, How the Third Reich Abused a Cultural

Geopolitics Triumphant; the Case of East-Central Europe.pdf

A Psychiatrist Who Confronted Nazism.pdf

Filming Women in the Third Reich.pdf

Estonian Psychiatric Hospitals During the German Occupation (1941-1944).pdf

Fantasy and Reality in Nazi Work-Creation Programs, 1933-1936.pdf

^^World Power Status or World Dominion; A Survey of the Literature on Hitler's 'Plan of World Dominion' (1937-1970).pdf

Amidst the Shadows of Trees, A Holocaust Child’s Survival in the

National Socialism and the German Labor Courts.pdf

Euthanasia, Human Experiments, and Psychiatry in Nazi-Occupied Lithuania, 1941-1944.pdf

Alternatives to Hitler, German Resistance under the Third Reich.pdf

Mothers of the Nation; Right-Wing Women in Weimar Germany.pdf

Education in Nazi Germany.pdf

After Hitler, Recivilizing Germans,

The Last Eyewitnesses, Children of the Holocaust Speak, Volume 2.pdf

A Nation of Victims, Representations of German Wartime Suffering from 1945 to the Present.pdf

^Life and Death in the Third Reich.pdf

^The Master Plan, Himmler’s Scholars and the

^The National Socialist Conception of Landed Property.pdf

^Nazi Propaganda and the Second World War.pdf

[Ad van Liempt]Hitler's Bounty Hunters The Betrayal of the Jews(pdf){Zzzzz}.pdf

Felix Kersten and Count Bernadotte; A Question of Rescue.pdf

The Mauthausen Trial, American Military Justice in Germany.pdf

Nazi Propaganda and the Second World War.pdf

^What We Knew, Terror, Mass Murder, and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany, An Oral History.pdf

The Legend of the Struggle of Jews from the Third Reich in the Ninth Fort near Kowno, 1941-2.pdf

Suicide in Nazi Germany.pdf

Genocide on Trial, War Crimes Trials and the Formation of Holocaust History and Memory.pdf

The Mark of Cain, Guilt and Denial in the Post-War Lives of Nazi Perpetrators.pdf

A Case of Nazi 'Justice'; The Punishment of Party Members Involved in the Kristallnacht, 1938.pdf

Nationalists, Nazis, and the Assault against Weimar; Revisiting the Harzburg Rally of October 1931.pdf

Americans, Germans, and War Crimes Justice Law, Memory, and The Good War.pdf

An Army of Spies; The Gestapo Spy Network 1933-45.pdf

^The Third Reich's Road to War.pdf

^^Hitler’s Plans for Global Domination, Nazi Architecture and Ultimate War Aims.pdf

^The Death Marches, the Final Phase of Nazi Genocide.pdf

^'Mein Kampf' and Europe.pdf

Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent.pdf

^The Third Reich, Politics and Propaganda.pdf

Nazi Chic, Fashioning Women in the Third Reich.pdf

Alternatives to Hitler German Resistance under the Third Reich.pdf

^German Voices, Memories of Life during Hitler’s Third Reich.pdf

^The Genesis of the Gestapo.pdf

Finis Austriæ (Austria).pdf

Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany The Fascist Style of Rule.pdf

^The Family Punishment in Nazi Germany, Sippenhaft, Terror and Myth.pdf

Anthropology at War, World War I and the Science of Race in Germany.pdf

^'We Forgot All Jews and Poles'; German Women and the 'Ethnic Struggle' in Nazi-Occupied Poland.pdf

^The New World Order.pdf

Music in the Holocaust, Confronting Life in the Nazi Ghettos and Camps.pdf

German Military Chaplains in World War II and the Dilemmas of Legitimacy.pdf

The Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism.pdf

The Judenrat.pdf

Fueling the Third Reich.pdf

Nazi Germany's Propaganda Aimed at Arabs and Muslims During World War II and the Holocaust; Old Themes, New Archival Findings.pdf

^The Movement of Scientific Knowledge from and to Germany under National Socialism.pdf

Narratives of Trauma, Discourses of German Wartime Suffering.pdf

Folklore as a Political Tool in Nazi Germany.pdf

^The National Socialist Politics of Life.pdf

Suicide at the End of the Third Reich.pdf

German Libraries and Scientific and Technical Information in Nazi Germany.pdf

Gender and Nazism, Women Joiners of the Pre-1933 Nazi Party.pdf

'And What Concentration Camps Those Were!', Foreign Concentration Camps in Nazi Propaganda, 1933-9.pdf

'Another' Germany; The Secret Foreign Contacts of Ulrich von Hassell during the Second World War.pdf

^Nazi Germany, Confronting the Myths.pdf

A Child Of Hitler, Germany In The Days When God Wore A

^Hitler’s Crusade, Bolshevism and the Myth of the International Jewish Conspiracy.pdf

Nazi Propaganda and the Uses of the Past; Heinz Kloss and the Making of a 'German America'.pdf

1938, Hitler’s Gamble.pdf

From Cooperation to Complicity, Degussa in the Third Reich.pdf

Abortion and Eugenics in Nazi Germany.pdf

^The Years of Extermination, Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945.pdf

^The Origins of the Final Solution.pdf

German History from the Margins.pdf

Nazi Persecution of the Gypsies.pdf

'Survival of the Fittest'; German Protestant Missions, Nazism and Neocolonialism, 1933-1945.pdf

^^The Jewish Enemy, Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust.pdf

An Eroding Milieu; Catholic Youth, Church Authority, and Popular Behavior in Northwest Germany during the Third Reich, 1933-1938.pdf

The Legacy of Nuremberg.pdf

^It’s Them or Us, Killing the Jews in Nazi Propaganda.pdf

^Forced Laborers in Nazi Germany; Categories, Numbers, and Survivors.pdf

^Racial Science in Hitler’s New Europe, 1938-1945.pdf

From Nurturing the Nation to Purifying the Volk Weimar and Nazi Family Policy, 1918-1945 (Publications of the German Historical Institute).pdf

Forced Laborers in the Third Reich; An Overview.pdf

A Concise History of Nazi Germany, .pdf

Nazi Ideology; Some Unfinished Business.pdf

German Women and Nazi Justice; Their Role in the Process from Denunciation to Death.pdf

Exorcising Hitler_ The Occupation and Denazification of Germany - Frederick

A Tale of Two Leaders; German Methodists and the Nazi State.pdf

A Concise History of Nazi Germany.pdf

^Nazis and Slavs; From Racial Theory to Racist Practice.pdf

Takeoff Point for the National Socialist Party; The Landtag Election in Baden, 1929.pdf

A Small Town Near Auschwitz, Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust.pdf

^Labour and Extermination; Economic Interest and the Primacy of Weltanschauung in National Socialism.pdf

Straight On (1947).pdf

[William Smaldone]Confronting Hitler German Social Democrats.pdf

Nazi Control of the Austrian Catholic Church, 1939-1941.pdf

National Socialism and the Working Class, 1925-May, 1933.pdf

National Socialists and Social Mobility.pdf

Anti-Semitism and Nazism, Reconciling Fromm and Goldhagen.pdf

Forbidden Fruit; Jazz in the Third Reich.pdf

Nazi Party 1919-1945, A Complete History - Dietrich Orlow.pdf

Musicology under Hitler; New Sources in Context.pdf

^The Nazi Ancestral Proof, Genealogy, Racial Science, and the Final Solution.pdf

Education and Fascism, Political Formation and Social Education in German National Socialism.pdf

[Geoff Layton] Access to History - Germany - The Third Reich 1933-1945 for AQA.pdf

Nazi Means War (1934).pdf

The Judicializatîon of International Atrocity Crimes, The Kharkov Trial of 1943.pdf

Farmers in Nazi Germany (1942).pdf

After the Reich, The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation.pdf

All or Nothing The Axis and the Holocaust 1941-43.pdf

^All or Nothing, The Axis and the Holocaust 1941-43.pdf

^The Inner Nazi, A Critical Analysis of Mein Kampf (1944, date written, published 1981).pdf

[Geoff Layton] Access to History - From Second Reich to Third Reich Germany 1918-45 for Edexcel.pdf

^What Hitler Wants (1939).pdf

Nazi Cinema as Enchantment, The Politics of Entertainment in the Third Reich.pdf

Nazism, Fascism and the Working Class.pdf

^Life in the Third Reich.pdf

Surviving the Swastika, Scientific Research in Nazi Germany.pdf

German White Book; documents concerning the last phase of the German-Polish crisis (1939).pdf

^Education for Death, The Making of the Nazi (1942).pdf

An Album of Nazism.pdf

Swing Under the Nazis, Jazz as a Metaphor for Freedom.pdf

German Security and Police Soldier 1939-45.pdf

Nazi Germany; I Lived with the Brown Shirts (1933).pdf

Fateful Months, Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution.pdf

^Feeding the German Eagle, Soviet Economic Aid to Nazi Germany, 1933-1941.pdf

Nazi Economics, Ideology, Theory, and Policy.pdf

Mothers in the Fatherland, Women, the Family and Nazi Politics.pdf

The Law in Nazi Germany; Ideology, Opportunism, and the Perversion of Justice.pdf

^Inhumanities, Nazi Interpretations of Western Culture.pdf

^^^The Nazi Years, A Documentary History.pdf

^The Strategy of Terror, Europe's Inner Front (1940).pdf

Murder in Our Midst, the Holocaust, Industrial Killing, and Representation.pdf

Fallen Germany; an Immigrant Looks Back (1948).pdf

^Mosaic of Victims; Non-Jews Persecuted and Murdered by the Nazis.pdf

German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power, 1939-49.pdf

Murderous Medicine; Nazi Doctors, Human Experimentation, and Typhus.pdf

From Democracy to Nazism, A Regional Case Study on Political Parties in Germany.pdf

^Did Hitler Want a World Dominion.pdf

National Cultures, Nazism and the Church (1945).pdf

^Swastika, the Nazi Terror (1933).pdf

^War and German Memory, Excavating the Significance of the Second World War in German Cultural Consciousness.pdf

^War and Economy in the Third Reich.pdf

And the Violins Stopped Playing, A Story of the Gypsy Holocaust.pdf

^Germany's Record and World Security (1944).pdf

^Self-Determination as Smokescreen for Ostpolitik (see ch. 1 & 2).pdf

Economic Development of Germany Under National Socialism (1937).pdf

The Making of Nazis (1934).pdf

The Junker Menace (1945).pdf

German Literature through Nazi Eyes (1941).pdf

^Hitler’s Shadow War, The Holocaust and World War II.pdf

Genocide, the Jews in Europe 1939-45.pdf

Alicia, My Story.pdf

^The New German Empire (1939).pdf

German Resistance Against Hitler; The Search for Allies Abroad, 1938-1945.pdf

^^Hitler, Whence and Whither (1934).pdf

Stauffenberg; A Family History, 1905-1944.pdf

^The Spoil of Europe; the Nazi Technique in Political and Economic Conquest (1941) [see part 1].pdf

^Race and the Third Reich, Linguistics, Racial Anthropology and Genetics in the Dialectic of Volk.pdf

^Official Secrets, What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew.pdf

The Long Roll on the Rhine (1934).pdf

^Hitler is No Fool, the Menace of the Man and His Program (1939).pdf

Nazi Germany and World War II.pdf

Fighting Warsaw, the Story of the Polish Underground State, 1939-1945.pdf

^The Good Old Days, The Holocaust as Seen by Its Perpetrators and Bystanders.pdf

^Harvest of Hate, the Nazi Program for the Destruction of the Jews of Europe.pdf

^Devil's Diary; the record of Nazi conspiracy and aggression (1955).pdf

^Rip Tide of Aggression (1942).pdf

^The Destruction of the European Jews, Volume 1 (Raul Hilberg).pdf

Final Judgment; the Story of Nuremberg (1947).pdf

^New Illustrated History of the Nazis.pdf

^Berlin Embassy (1941).pdf

Spandau, The Secret Diaries - Albert Speer.pdf

Nazi Mass Murder, A Documentary History of the Use of Poison Gas.pdf

A New Illustrated History of the Nazis.pdf

^National Socialism, Basic Principles (1943).pdf

^The War Against the West (1938).pdf

Failure of a Mission; Berlin 1937-1939 (1940).pdf

^The New Germany and the Old Nazis (1961).pdf